Sunday, February 17, 2013

Delay in justice a major challenge, says CJI Kabir

Delay in justice a major challenge, says CJI Kabir

Chief Justice of India Altamas

Kabir today said a major problem being faced in delivery of

criminal justice was delay "where the entire process takes

almost 15-16 years".

            Delivering Justice P D Desai memorial lecture here on

'Administration of Criminal Justice', Justice Kabir said,

"Today a major problem is delay where the entire process, from

the time when an offence is registered to the stage of final

conviction, takes almost 15 to 16 years."

            "I hope everybody involved in the process would

perform their duty to expedite the wheels of justice," he


            "....this (delay) is the main thing which bothers

judiciary. And because of inordinate delay, sometimes we see

angry reaction from public feeling that something should be

done immediately," he said while elaborating the challenges in

administration of criminal justice.

            "One such incident took place on December 16 last year

in Delhi. First reaction was let us set up fast track courts

for the offences against women and girls," he said citing the

incidence of gang rape in a moving bus which created

widespread outrage.

          "On January 2, first fast track court was set up in

one of the district in New Delhi to take up such cases. Then

you might have come across media reports that trial in one

case was completed in 9 days and trial completed in another

case in 13 days," he added.

          "Something like this happens and people start

reacting. It is a knee jerk reaction...But one can not blame

any one part of the system. Look at the large population we

have, which is

at present 1.20 billion and it is increasing," he added.

            "Where do we stand in regards to the Judge Population

ratio? In USA, there are 125 judges for 1 million citizens and

in India we have 6 judges for 1 million," he said while

highlighting the ground reality of the country.

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